Watch Servicing

Watch Servicing

Watch servicing is a meticulous process that requires attention to detail and expertise.

At Trotters, we take pride in providing the highest standard of watch servicing to ensure your timepiece functions optimally, maintains its appearance, and retains its value.

Our watch servicing process involves a full overhaul service that includes dismantling the watch into its constituent parts and then reassembling it to a factory standard.

Watch Polishing

Daily wear & tear can bring scratches and marks to your time-piece that can be frustrating but rest assured that we will do our best to bring back to the ultimate condition.

Our skilled technician’s use state-of-the-art equipment and various mops depending on the material of your watch to bring the watch case and bracelet back to factory finish as possible, we also provide sand-blasting & PVD/ADLC coating services.

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Watch Enquiry

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Exchange your watch

If you are on mobile, scan the QR Code below to open Whatsapp, if you are on desktop, please click the link to be redirected to Whatsapp

Email Us

The terms query is:
    [hide_empty] => 1
    [taxonomy] => pa_brand
    [count] => 1
    [number] => 100
    [orderby] => name
    [order] => ASC
terms found: 7
The Query Request Is:
SELECT  t.term_id
			 FROM wp_terms AS t  INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id
			 WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('pa_brand') AND tt.count > 0
			 LIMIT 100
The finals query vars:
    [taxonomy] => Array
            [0] => pa_brand

    [orderby] => name
    [order] => ASC
    [hide_empty] => 1
    [number] => 100
    [fields] => all
    [count] => 1
    [cache_domain] => core
    [cache_results] => 1
    [update_term_meta_cache] => 1
Query modify callbacks ( get_terms_args ):
Query modify callbacks ( get_terms_orderby ):
    [1] => Array
            [0000000000000c420000000000000000get_terms_orderby] => Array
                    [function] => Array
                            [0] => TTO Object
                                    [functions] => 

                            [1] => get_terms_orderby

                    [accepted_args] => 2


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